Stock Information
Cars.com is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol CARS.
No. The Company's legal name is Cars.com Inc and it is doing business as Cars Commerce. However, you can purchase shares of Cars.com through your broker of choice.
If you are a beneficial owner of shares (e.g., you own shares through a bank or brokerage account) and have specific questions about your stock ownership, it will be necessary to contact your bank/broker directly for assistance.
If you are a shareowner of record and your account is registered at Equiniti Trust Company, LLC, our Registrar and Transfer Agent, you may contact them by phone, email or postal mail with specific questions about your stock ownership:
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
1110 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 101
Mendota Heights MN 55120-4100
Telephone: 800-468-9716 or 651-450-4064 Outside the US
Cars.com common stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank, or financial institution that offers brokerage services. We trade on the NYSE under the ticker CARS.
Cars.com currently retains future earnings to grow its business and does not expect to pay any cash dividends for the foreseeable future.
Corporate Information
On October 17, 2023, Cars.com announced it is uniting various commercial brand names under the new “Cars Commerce" go-to-market band, doubling down on its platform strategy to better connect the industry with a simplified technology that spans pre-tail, retail and post-sale activities.
Cars.com was separated from its parent company, TEGNA Inc., effective 11:59 p.m. ET on May 31, 2017.
300 S. Riverside
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60606
TEGNA distributed all of the outstanding shares of Cars.com’s common stock to TEGNA stockholders on a pro rata basis in a distribution intended to be tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes. As a result of the distribution, Cars Commerce became an independent public company.
Internal Revenue Service Form 8937 (Report of Organizational Actions Affecting Basis of Securities) for TEGNA, Inc. can be found here.
TEGNA distributed one share of Cars.com common stock for every three shares of TEGNA common stock held as of close of business on May 18, 2017, the record date for the distribution.
Information on the company’s board of directors can be found here.
Information on the company’s management team can be found here.
The Company invites shareholders and other interested parties to communicate directly and confidentially with either the full Board of Directors, the chairman or the non-management directors as a group by writing to either the Board of Directors, the Chairman or the Non-Management Directors, Cars Commerce Inc., 300 S. Riverside, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60606, Attn: Corporate Secretary. The Secretary will forward such communications to the intended recipient and will retain copies for the Company’s records.
You can learn more about our commitments to environment, social and governance matters here.
Contact Investor Relations
Katerine Chen
Vice President, Investor Relations
Cars.com Inc,
300 S. Riverside Plaza
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60606
Financial Information
Yes. Our fiscal year-end is December 31.
Ernst & Young LLP.
Quarterly and annual reports, as well as other SEC filings, can be accessed on the SEC Filings page of our Investor Relations website.